Kate Rafanelli
Network Chiropractor
The Heart as the Guiding Intelligence
The world is currently changing at a fast and chaotic pace and the mind does not like change. Especially unexpected change or change it is not in control of! One of the most effective ways to feel more ease moving through change is to access the intelligence of the heart.
The heart sets the energetic rhythm by producing the most powerful rhythmic electromagnetic field of the body. The brain actually conveys intelligent information to the nervous system by essentially interpreting signals from the heart to produce emotions. When the heart and brain are coordinated you have access to your subconscious conditioning and the ability to heal those patterns and the identity you associate with them. When you become capable of shifting to a new heart baseline rhythm everything moves to a higher level of awareness and coherence which you then transmit to the people around you. With this changing momentum, there is a shifting of emotional awareness to love and kindness, compassion, acceptance, gratitude which leads to increased cooperation collectively within the community and beyond. When you can access the intelligence of the heart you can also make better choices in the moment to navigate through these times of change.